The different types of babysitters type babysitter

Who can watch your kids?

There are several kinds of babysitters. According to your family, the age and the needs of your children, certain types of babysitters will be better adapted to your situation. A quick overview seems necessary for you to determine the kind of care you want for your children.

What is a babysitter?

Behind the term babysitter can hide many different people: students, or retired persons, girl or boy, young or older, there really is every kind! 
A babysitter is simply someone to whom you can entrust your children in your absence.

Of course you understand a babysitter does not sit around doing nothing, it's rather the opposite! She or he usually has to run in all directions after the children. Maybe we should have called them "babyrunners"  

Which type of babysitter for which need?

 Naturally the first instinct is often to asks the grandparents. And we don't say it enough, but even if they often spoil our children, they're usually the best babysitters ever!  

Nevertheless, when they're not there, you have to find them or a replacement!

Middle or high school students

Whether they are in middle or high school, teenage babysitters are perfectly capable of taking care of your children when you go out in the evening or after school. They are perfect for these small occasional contracts.

College students

College or university students who spend a little less time in class can take care of your children after-school and on school holidays. They are perfectly capable of taking care of children for a full day and can do some cooking. They often have a driving license, which may be needed to take your little one to his judo training.

Boys: excellent babysitters!

Do not put aside male babysitters who are also able to manage children. Sometimes they are even more serious in terms of their safety and overflowing with imagination to distract them. Kids love them!

Grandpa-sitters and granny-sitters, senior nannies!

The new method of care of the decade, granny sitters. They make themselves available to families to assist parents in their tasks. Their experience and high availability make them babysitters of choice. They're able to replace a parent in all tasks related to children, regardless of their ages.

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See also:

What is a babysitter?
For which occasion?
Date night
On vacation
Types of babysitters
Teenage babysitter
College student
Senior sitter
Finding, choosing & managing your sitter
How much and how to pay
Hourly or flat-rate?
Rates and costs
By region
Other expenses
Financial aid
How to pay
Advice for babysitters
Becoming a babysitter
Finding babysitting jobs
Safety tips
Being a great sitter
Home childcare provider
What is a home childcare provider?
Differences from a nanny
The advantages
Health and safety
Limited numbers
A trained professional
Cost of a home childcare provider
Paying "under the table"?
Breakdown of the cost
Other expenses
According to the region
Financial aid
Some examples
The care step by step
Finding your childcare assistant
The interview
The beginning of the childcare
The adaptation
The separation
Building trust
Everyday care
Good communication
Learning methods
Potential problems
Saying goodbye
The administrative process
The contract
Terms of the contract
Concerning wages
Conditions of the chilcare
Model of a contract
Exceptional occurrences
Sick child
Change of hours
You're pregnant
My kid is starting school
My caregiver has an accident
My caregiver is pregnant
My caregiver is sick
End of care/termination
Types of breach of contract
Regular ending
Termination for misconduct
Loss of license
Settling finances
Paperwork required
Becoming a home caregiver
The process
Training and education
Obtaining a license
What is a nanny?
Live-in nanny
Live-out nanny
The cost of a nanny
Nanny's pay
Amount payable
Calculating the pay
Subsidies and benefits
Undeclared nanny?
Minimizing the cost
The care step by step
Hiring a nanny
The ideal nanny?
How to find a nanny
The interview
Beginning of the childcare
Establishing trust
Daily care
Practical organization
Little problems
Big problems
End of care
Your responsibility
Employment contract
Types of contracts
Contract examples
Special cases of employment
How to pay?
Vacation/Leaves of absence
Setting vacation
Paying vacation pay
Statutory holidays
Leaves of absence
Raises and bonuses
Exceptional occurrences
My nanny is sick
My nanny is pregnant
Work accident
End of care/dismissal
End of contract formalities
Special cases
Other possible endings
Nanny sharing
How to organize it
Finding a family & a nanny
Practical organization
Daily routine
The contract
End of the shared agreement
Special cases
Pros and cons
How much it costs
Different types of daycares
Difficult to get a space!
Life at daycare