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Contract with the home childcare professional: model and example
contract example home daycare

Types of clauses ... to adapt to your situation!

The employment contract between you and your childcare assistant is essential. It defines all the conditions of care of your child and will be the reference in case of disagreement or conflict. It should therefore be clear and comprehensive to avoid misunderstandings. 

 An example to use.

Here you will find an example of a contract as well as information and consent forms. There is also a detailed breakdown of what should be included in the caregiver's responsibilities as well as in the parent's responsibilities.

A contract example... to personalize yourself!

It's just a standard contract. Fill it with any relevant information about your child, the childminder and conditions for your care.

You can customize it with specific clauses that seem important and to help you avoid problems later on.

See also:

The terms of the contract between you and your childcare professionalterms contract childcare assistant