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How to manage small everyday problems with my nanny
small problem nanny

I'm having trouble with the nanny who cares for my child!

You rely on the services of a nanny for your childcare. At the beginning, everything was perfect, but now that the child care is organized, you can only see the flaws in the relationship. These small problems annoy you, and have an effect on your child... because of these difficulties, you will eventually end up arguing with your nanny, and that should be avoided at all costs!

The contract can resolve certain small problems.

My nanny gives me hell if I get home even fifteen minutes late!
The TV is on all day!
She never takes my child out for walks!

You will see browsing the web that the subjects of spats are numerous .... These situations can often be settled in the employment contract. Specify how you do not want children watch television,  that you want them to go out for a walk once a day. Also plan the method of payment for overtime or adjustments for late parents.

Furthermore, demand that your nanny warn you early enough if she will be late or absent to allow you to make other arrangements (or perhaps she knows someone who can act as a replacement?). And specify that your nanny will care for your child when he is sick.

 It is easy to make an amendment to the employment contract if these issues were not anticipated when it was signed. Just make two copies and have them both signed by the nanny and the parents. 

Speak with your nanny!

But there are some rules for getting along with one's nanny. The first is to speak with her. It's too easy to get annoyed with your nanny who doesn't put away the juicer properly, if you did not show her where it goes. And if you think she spends a little too much time on the phone, simply tell her.

Respect her work

Being a nanny is a profession with a very focused primary objective: to care for children. So if all goes well with yours, do not get upset for a poorly washed pan or socks lying around on the floor... insofar as possible, of course.  

Regular meetings or discussions

It's very important to set a time slot per month (approximately) where you get together with the nanny and you take the time to discuss recent weeks. You can then explain to her what bothered you (if anything), but also compliment her on what you liked!

See also:

Practical organization with my nannyorganizing nanny
Abuse, lack of supervision: breaking ties from my nannybig problem nanny