Changing the hours of my caregiver: is it possible? changing schedule home childcare

Changes in the schedule of your licensed home caregiver.

It will inevitably happen that you will have to change the schedule of your childcare provider, sometimes even at the last minute. The reasons for these changes or reduction in hours can be myriad. Some amongst them are likely to result in a reduction of the fee of your childcare assistant.

Be aware, however, that most of the child's absences will not effect her monthly fee. Any exceptions should be detailed in your collective agreement.

Temporary absences not planned in the contract.

You pick up your little one earlier to take him to the doctor, grandpa and grandma come to spend a week at home and they want to take care of their grandson, you leave for vacation a day earlier than expected...
These are all situations that may require a temporary change in schedule with your caregiver. In all these cases, you should not change the rate of pay.

 Your childcare professional must agree to any additional hours or changes to the schedule.
If normally she cares for your baby between 8am and 5pm and next Monday you would like her to watch him from 10am to 7pm, she may not agree to do so. She might ask for an additional fee for the 2 hours that are outside the normal hours of care.

A permanent change to the hours. 

Your working hours have changed, you have taken parental leave or you now want your little one to spend some time in an after-school program? There are many reasons why you might want to change the time specified in the contract of your childcare assistant.

In this case the first thing to do of course is to tell her. Depending on the nature of your request is not necessarily easy for her to accept it. She has reserved a place for your child and if that day or the next day you ask her to work only half, it's difficult. It is rare that she would be bothered by an increase in working hours, if they work within her schedule and she has availability.

 she agrees: in this case, no problem, you just need to establish an amendment to the employment contract that will provided the reason for this change and will also take into account if she needs to recalculate her fee. 

 she refuses: this is more problematic and you have an two choices: either you give up this change or you must either find a caregiver who is compatible with your new needs and schedule. In this case you will have to proceed with the termination of your current childcare provider.

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