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The classic terms of the the contract and the financial aspect
contract pay home childcare

What you need to include in a home childcare contract and financial details.

It's happening! You're finally about to fill in the contract for your childcare assistant. You will fill in the personal details of each party and the "financial aspect" of the agreement covers the details of what you will have to pay your home childcare provider.

There are a number of items to fill in.. maybe more than you think. The more detailed your contract is, the less likely you will be to have a disagreement with your home childcare assistant. It's better to agree on the terms in as much detail beforehand so that both parties know what they are entering into.

The usual mentions in the contract

They concern the contact information of both parties and all information regarding the care arrangements.

To include: 

The contact details of the two parties:

  • Employer: last name, first name, address, phone number,
  • Childcare professional: last name, first name, address, phone number, social insurance number, any insurance policies she has.
  • The date of the agreement 

Dates :

  • of the start of the contract
  • of the adaptation period
  • of the trial period

Terms of the arrangement:

  • the number of weeks of care annually,
  • the days, the hours or the schedule (if there are variations),
  • weeks either party will be absent,
  • whether sick children will be accepted,
  • working on statutory holidays or not.

The financial aspect of the contract

The agreement of the payment and fees you will pay to the childcare provider including vacation time and other possible absences.

The fees:

  • date and methods of payment
  • receipts for payment
  • monthly/weekly/daily rate or hourly rate
  • cost for additional hours including over-time

Vacation and absences:

  • payment during your vacation?
  • payment for days when the child cannot attend?
  • payment during the childcare provider's vacation?

Additional fees:

  • Food, if provided, and not included in the monthly fee
  • Gas allowance if you require her to drive your child in her own vehicle.

See also:

Contractualizing the care conditions for your child with your childcare providerconditions contract childcare