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How to find and recruit a trustworthy nanny
nanny trust

In the quest for your super Mary Poppins!

Your method of childcare is chosen, it is the nanny, live-in or live-out. You are ready to begin on the path of "parent-employer". First step: find a trusted caregiver. We offer some tips to find the man or woman to whom you can entrust your child in peace.

The end of your maternity leave; time to find a nanny

That's it, that's the end of maternity leave, (or for the lucky parental leave), and you must find someone to care for your little treasure. The guilt that is inevitably felt (and so baseless for that matter) by any parent at this time is only worsened by the added stress of not finding a nanny. Don't worry though, you will let out a big sigh of "PHEW" when you find yours.

So good news, nannies, there are some, even many depending on where you live. In some cities or towns there are more than others. All that to say, if you use the right methods, you should find one, no problem.

That being said, hiring a nanny isn't for the faint of heart. You might find a perfectly sweet candidate but don't forget you're hiring an employee this is business and personal. Huffington Post blogger Lauren Cahn offers her 7 Fundamentals of Effective Nanny-Hiring . Author Tasha Blaine at Babble also gives us her 25 Rules for Hiring a Nanny, great food for thought.

Yes but... I don't want to!

Even if you love your work, it's never much fun to leave your child. A strong sense of abandonment can trouble young mothers, especially if it is their first child. Another common feeling among moms adds ambiguity to this search for nanny: jealousy. As you well know: your little one himself is much less sensitive to the separation. And having to see worry will only upset him!

My child will spend 10 hours a day with this lady... will he still love me after?

Discuss your concerns with the nanny, be available to your child when you are with him, and do not forget that if one night, your child calls you "nanny" it's proof that he's happy during his time with her. That is the most important...

The perfect nanny, is it a myth?

All parents want to find the perfect nanny for their child, the rare gem. But does she really exist?

Where to find your nanny?

There are many ways to find the person that will keep your child and you should neglect any. Call upon professionals:, agencies, but also think about talking to nannies in the park, asking other parents, and responding to and putting up ads in public places.

The interview: the right questions to ask.

After an initial phone selection, you'll meet the candidates at your home, for an interview. This is a very important moment that must be prepared for carefully. List the questions you want to ask, while thinking about the answers you want.

See also:

The first months of care with a live-in nannystart childcare nanny
The importance of dialogue for lasting care with my nannydaily care nanny
The end of the childcare with your nannyend care nanny