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Types of nanny contracts: fixed or unfixed term
contract permanent temp nanny

Length, modifications... a document created to suit the parents and the nanny.

The employment contract exists implicitly when you employ a nanny, even if you have not signed it. To avoid disputes it is almost mandatory, and highly recommended, to put it in writing.

This should be written in two copies (one for you and one for your employee), dated and signed by both parties. The contract is made to last; but if there is a change in working conditions, it is appropriate to make an amendment.

Which form will my contract take: temporary or permanent employment?

In the absence of precision, the contract is indefinite, this is the general rule. In this case, the end of the contract is the result of the will of the employer or the employee.

In a fixed term contract, the termination of the contract results from an agreement in the contract itself and this job insecurity may be rewarded with a higher salary, but not necessarily.

There are several situation in which it might make sense to hire a nanny on a temporary basis:

  • Leave of your nanny (sick or maternity)
  • You have a temporary employment contract
  • You're waiting for another nanny who will fill the permanent position
  • Your child will be returning to or starting school and you only need a nanny until then.

And if the work conditions change?

It all depends on the amendment: if it is a major change (your child enters school for example), it may be preferable to establish a new work contract.

In the case of a minor modification (change of duties, change of workplace, change in the duration of hours), you must establish an amendment to the employment contract.

It can be written as follows:

Between the parties:

The home childcare contract dated XXX is amended as follows:
Instead of reading "(former Article resume to modify)"
it should now read "(new item with modification)"

Signed: (location)
The: (date)

 You prepare two copies of the amendment and ask your nanny to sign both signed you and  your nanny. You may wish to explain to her the reason for the change(s).

  • If the nanny is in agreement she signed and the changes go into effect.
  • If she does not agree either you let it go, or you let her go (warning, the dismissal must be with in reason or the nanny can claim wrongful dismissal)

Full time or part time?

Whether your contract is fixed-term or not, it may be part-time or full-time.

It is part-time work if the time of your nanny is less than 30 hours a week, beyond that it is full time. For you, the consequences resident in the calculation of vacation and statutory holidays.

See also:

The content of the employment contract: the items to be mentionedcontent nanny contract
Model and example of a nanny employment contractexample contract nanny