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Contractualizing the care conditions for your child with your childcare provider
conditions contract childcare

Stipulating the reception arrangements at your licensed nanny's.

The numbers are filled in, you will now focus of the specifics of the care of your child.. This is the time to indicate in the contract terms that you expect from your childcare professional. She may already have a contract prepared, be sure to ask her to modify it to add any specific details of the childcare.

You are aware that it may be difficult for a childminder to scrupulously respect the wishes of all families, but you can still note the points you do not wish to compromise on, such as transportation by car for example.

The health of your child

This concerns the special procedures to adopt with your child according to his health but also his vaccinations, and what happens when he is sick.

Health-related guidelines:

  • Note the specifics for your child including: diet, disease, allergy...
  • Fill in the vaccinations part
  • Sign permissions in case of an emergency: visit to the family doctor, hospitalization, surgery if absolutely necessary...
  • Specify if your childminder accepts sick children, if so, is this the case for all types of illnesses
  • Indicate if you allow your childcare provider to give your child medication.

The persons who are authorized to take care of your child

Note in the contract, all persons authorized to pick your little one, or to whom the childcare provider can entrust them in the case of an emergency (hospitalization of one of his children for example ...)
  • Emergency care authorization: if your childcare assistant has to leave in an emergency, you can specify whether you want your child to be welcomed at daycare or with a neighbor or family member for example.
  • Let your childcare provider know who might come pick up the child: grandparents, neighbours, brothers, sisters... (if she doesn't know them it's a good idea for them to bring identification)
  • Tell your childcare professional about your custody arrangements in case of separation or divorce.

 Additional details

Note whether or not you authorize your childcare provider to use her car with your child and the places where she can take him or her.

  • To visit another homecare provider
  • To a children's show or production      
  • To the market or the grocery store
  • To parks, libraries, etc
  • To the care of another home childcare professional
Finally, you can write down the basic educational principles that you would like her to apply.

See also:

The classic terms of the the contract and the financial aspectcontract pay home childcare