Organizing a nanny share organizing nanny share

How to manage the same nanny.

Once you have found the family who will share your nanny, nanny sharing can be the perfect solution tailored to your children. They will find themselves in the same family setting even if they leave their home every other week or every two weeks.

Most families who have had the experience of sharing a nanny have fond memories. In most cases, the families maintain close relationships which continue for years after the end of this adventure.

Re-organization for the whole family.

Obviously, you'll have to re-arrange a few things in your usual routine.
Your home will become a space for hosting other children in addition to your own. You'll need to make sure your home is a safe environment for children, taking into account the age of the children. Of course older children know not to put their fingers into the wall socket, but a baby will put their fingers into anything they can get their hands onto. 

The other family's child will certainly take a nap in your home, if you don't already have a spare room or bed, you may need to create a space and purchase a cot for the child to use. Additionally the nanny may need a double stroller or other equipment to accommodate the number of children in her care.
If you have family members stay with you from time to time, it might be better if they visit while the children are at the other family's home.  This might be better for the nanny and the children, so their routine isn't disrupted.

And if the hours don't match perfectly...

Each family has the opportunity to use the nanny outside the hours of shared childcare in order to meet their needs. This must be stipulated in the contract. Of course, only the family that requires additional hours will have to pay the full fee of the nanny.

Finding a family to share a nanny with... then finding the nanny.

Once directed to this type of care, the most important step is to find the family and the nanny. The classic ads in local newspapers or local shops usually work very well. You can also ask around before school or at the kids' soccer practice. Visit also some sites like top-nanny, you will surely find your happiness.

Practical organization of a nanny share

And now! You have your second family and your nanny. How will you organize the various aspects of the nanny sharing agreement ? How should you decide on the schedule, what should you include in the nanny's contract? Everything concerning the practicality of nanny sharing can be found on this page, including the tricky problem of vacation.

The day-to-day routine with a nanny share agreement

You're now faced with the daily routine with a shared nanny and so that everything goes well, you've decided to put the odds in your favour in order to make this agreement a success. It starts with a good relationship with the other family with whom you will inevitably forge strong ties. Try to find solutions to the small issues that may arise at the start so that they are resolved as quickly as possible.

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See also:

What is a babysitter?
For which occasion?
Date night
On vacation
Types of babysitters
Teenage babysitter
College student
Senior sitter
Finding, choosing & managing your sitter
How much and how to pay
Hourly or flat-rate?
Rates and costs
By region
Other expenses
Financial aid
How to pay
Advice for babysitters
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Finding babysitting jobs
Safety tips
Being a great sitter
Home childcare provider
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Differences from a nanny
The advantages
Health and safety
Limited numbers
A trained professional
Cost of a home childcare provider
Paying "under the table"?
Breakdown of the cost
Other expenses
According to the region
Financial aid
Some examples
The care step by step
Finding your childcare assistant
The interview
The beginning of the childcare
The adaptation
The separation
Building trust
Everyday care
Good communication
Learning methods
Potential problems
Saying goodbye
The administrative process
The contract
Terms of the contract
Concerning wages
Conditions of the chilcare
Model of a contract
Exceptional occurrences
Sick child
Change of hours
You're pregnant
My kid is starting school
My caregiver has an accident
My caregiver is pregnant
My caregiver is sick
End of care/termination
Types of breach of contract
Regular ending
Termination for misconduct
Loss of license
Settling finances
Paperwork required
Becoming a home caregiver
The process
Training and education
Obtaining a license
What is a nanny?
Live-in nanny
Live-out nanny
The cost of a nanny
Nanny's pay
Amount payable
Calculating the pay
Subsidies and benefits
Undeclared nanny?
Minimizing the cost
The care step by step
Hiring a nanny
The ideal nanny?
How to find a nanny
The interview
Beginning of the childcare
Establishing trust
Daily care
Practical organization
Little problems
Big problems
End of care
Your responsibility
Employment contract
Types of contracts
Contract examples
Special cases of employment
How to pay?
Vacation/Leaves of absence
Setting vacation
Paying vacation pay
Statutory holidays
Leaves of absence
Raises and bonuses
Exceptional occurrences
My nanny is sick
My nanny is pregnant
Work accident
End of care/dismissal
End of contract formalities
Special cases
Other possible endings
Nanny sharing
How to organize it
Finding a family & a nanny
Practical organization
Daily routine
The contract
End of the shared agreement
Special cases
Pros and cons
How much it costs
Different types of daycares
Difficult to get a space!
Life at daycare