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Cost of a nanny: examples of the calculation
example pay nanny

How much does your nanny cost: simulations

You have realized that calculating the hourly wage for a nanny doesn't give you the full idea of what you should expect to pay out-of-pocket monthly, both to the nanny and the government in the form of remittances.

To get a better idea you must define the overall cost of your nanny.

Here are two simulation exercises. Your family situation is probably different, but these cases will help you to understand how the calculation is done and then you can adapt it to your personal situation. Calculator, paper, pencil, and let's go!

[NOTE: I have not had time to finish this article, if someone wants to help me, he is welcome: D]

See also:

The nanny's paynanny pay
Financial aid to help with the cost of your nannybenefits nanny
Employing your nanny "off the books": a bad ideaundeclared nanny
How to reduce the cost of your nanny?cut cost nanny