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Tous les jours, des milliers de nouvelles annonces.

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Profils complets, vérifications, avis : recrutez sereinement.

Djeni, cherche nounou à Ajax northwest

le 02/09/21 : J'ai besoin d'une babysitter pour récupérer mes 2 filles à l'école et les emmener à la maison après l'école. Le trajet se fera en bus.

Nadine, cherche nounou - L1T Ajax northwest

le 16/02/16 : I need someone trustworthy to watch my 3 kids Monday to Friday from 4:30pm until their father comes home. He may come home anywhere from 6-8pm. There is no cleaning or cooking required. I only need the sitter to make sure they do not get into any trouble and maybe do some games or activities with them. The two year old is not potty trained so may need a diaper change once in a while. That's it I think. Thanks

Julie, cherche nounou à Ajax northwest L1T

le 03/09/15 : Part time work/split hours: total of 6 hours per day: 7am -10am: send kids off to school on school bus and then cleaning/housekeeping 3pm-6pm: meet kids at bus stop, help with homework, dinner preparation