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Tous les jours, des milliers de nouvelles annonces.

En confiance

Profils complets, vérifications, avis : recrutez sereinement.

Hello, my name is Laura and I am a stay-at-home mom with a sweet 17-month-old boy. I would love to provide childcare in mine or your home while raising my own baby. As a parent I know that the safety and the ability to provide loving care for our children is our top priority so you can be sure I will take care of your child like my own. We are very active and try to get the most out of our days by going to drop-ins, playing lots of games in our garden, singing, going to the library and learn...

Hi! I have a bachelors in psychology and I’ve always cared for my many younger cousins as I come from a big leanenese family. I have been raised with tremendous manners, you’ll thank my mother. I have just qui my corporate career to focus on my sewing craft. I am looking for a side gig that gives me the flexibility of time and that is less consuming than working in the financial district. I have a lot of love and care to give, I love to teach and be a role model. I can change a diap...

❦ The Golden Apple is nestled in the Junction neighbourhood of Toronto, Ontario. Childcare is provided for children ages 12 months to 5 years according to the views of Rudolf Steiner and the principles of Waldorf education. French will be incorporated in our daily rhythm through songs, storytelling & puppetry, organic & fresh, hands-on meals served several times a day and a holistic environment filled with inspiring, open ended toys such as, silks, wooden toys, felted animals and Waldorf doll...