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Tous les jours, des milliers de nouvelles annonces.

En confiance

Profils complets, vérifications, avis : recrutez sereinement.

Thank you for the opportunity I am a mother of two (both school age) and have approximately 1 year of experience offering casual help as a baby sitter for little ones. I am a very active person who enjoy play with children (all ages), I love to do craft I am definitely committed to provide a safe and nurturing environment for the kids in my care, stimulate kids creativity and knowledge in different areas is another of my priorities. Helping the next generation to develop their interests an...

I am grace I volunteered in a day care for two years and babysat my cousins and neighbours I love children I'm an only child I play soccer and curling. I absolutely love playing with children I've been with children rough out their childhood

Hello My name is Tangelina , I am 18 years old. I just moved to Burlington, Ontario, but I am originally from Cambridge, Ontario. In Cambridge I babysat Charlotte for about 4-5 years before I moved to Kitchener, Ontario. When I moved to Kitchener I babysat my boyfriends little cousins and brothers. I am great with children.

I am 28 yrs old. I have been here in Canada for almost 6mos now. I worked as a pastry chef in the Philippines. I am here for study permit. And I am looking for a part time job. I have almost a lifetime experience in taking care of children including my siblings and cousins. And over the years, I have developed a strong sense of patience and understanding for children and their specific needs. I grew up in a household that has trained me to become domesticated and chores has always been a p...

Ontario, les principales villes

Dernières recommandations

Rocio,garde d’enfant ponctuelle - L7N Burlington east

Rocio has been like family with us over the past months. Our 2-year-old immediately warmed to her and they have become best buddies. She is punctual, responsible, creative, fun and professional. Rocio is happy to play with our toddler and participate in all activities from painting to reading to outdoor walks, and is also a great cook. She recently renewed her CPR/First Aid so it is always current. We couldn't ask for a better match for our child and this means so much.

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