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Abby, propose un baby sitting à Saskatoon S7W

le 19/09/20 : i have to disabled kids i would like u to watch they r annoying and won’t stop talking i would like u to pick them up from school in your blue car then watch them till i get home also make me supper and clean the house if interest pls reply thanks

Crystal, cherche nounou à Saskatoon

le 15/09/18 : I need a nanny to come to care for my 4 children about 2 days a week. They need to be energetic and hard working. Duties include driving the older children to and from school, watching the younger one, doing light household cleaning, and doing the odd errand. The days and hours are flexible and could be negotiated.

Cher, cherche une gardienne à Saskatoon S7W

le 10/11/17 : The perfect babysitter is available, possibly retired or in university, looking to make some spending money. I am looking for someone, who is reliable , punctual, and good with children. * The person would have to understand I have a limited budget. My son is in kindergarten, 3 days a week. I work full-time but am a single mother, will need someone that can pick him up from school, give him a healthy meal, put him to bed and stay late in the evening.

Crystal, cherche nounou - S7W Saskatoon

le 16/08/17 : My name is Crystal and I am looking for casual childcare for my 4 children starting in September. My kids are 2, 4, 6, and 8. The older two are in school full time and my 4 year old goes to preschool two mornings a week. Duties would include school drop off and pick up, caring for the younger two during the day, preparing light meals, light tidying, and homework help. I'm looking for about 1-2 days/week with the hours being 730-5. If this is something that you might be interested in ple...

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