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Denyann, cherche une nounou temps partiel - V2J Quesnel

le 26/03/19 : I need someone several times a week to watch/feed/play with my two boys. My youngest is special needs so I need someone who is comfortable with g-tube feeds, I can train. First aid is a must. I don't expect someone to clean my house just to clean up after themselves and the boys while they are watching them. My schedule is flexible, I would just like to set up a regular routine with someone.

Caitlyn, propose une garde d’enfant à Quesnel

le 27/01/18 : In search of a babysitter for my 2 year old son, in my home. It would be for short notice shifts as I will be an on call employee. Any days from Monday- Friday. Ranging from day shifts to possible graveyards. CPR/ first aid references required.

Jacci, cherche une baby sitter - V2J Quesnel

le 26/08/15 : I'm looking for someone who is comfortable with two young children. The 1 year old has severe milk allergies along with multiple food allergies. They need to comfortable with the use of an epipen. I wish for them to be able to drive themselves to and from work. I am looking for less than part time hours. The schedule would be flexible and vary month to month.

British Columbia, les principales villes

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