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Tous les jours, des milliers de nouvelles annonces.

En confiance

Profils complets, vérifications, avis : recrutez sereinement.

I am offering the best quality care for your children with peace of mind I can help you with house chores and your children with their French assignments and home works . I am a French Canadian . I am 44 years old .

Hello! My name is Rachel. I moved to Parksville about a year ago. I grew up in Southern Alberta training horses and working on ranches. I absolutely love kids and find most of the time they love me too. In AB I was a 4-H member in a dog and horse club for about 10 years. In my years as a 4-Her I was a junior leader which included me running workshops, crafts, public speaking workshops, dog training, horse training and so much more. I'm not bad in the kitchen, have no problem making snacks, me...

I am a stay home newly retired grandma of 3 ages 4 to 9. I raised 2 healthy beautiful daughters and have done babysitting of siblings, nieces and nephews all my life. I offer love, energy, humour, and patience to all children. You will have peace of mind knowing your precious children are well taken care of.