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Hello my name is Noumouni I am 17 years old soon 18 years old I am a student at bcit I am also an international student and I therefore learn English but my original language is French I am not experienced professionally but in family yes I took care of my sister who is currently 4 years old and currently I live with my aunt and these three children

Hello, my name is Louis. I am very responsible (I am a cadet). this year i will be learning first aid with cadets but i am not yet qualified. I am in 8th grade ib (13 years old). I am learning Russian, so maybe soon I will be trilangual (because already speak French and English). I go to école des pionniers de Maillardville secondary school witch is a french school. I am very flexible for babysitting times and days as long as the babysitting is not at the same time as cadet activities or scho...

Hello families, my name is Monica Erin and I am currently a grade 11 student attending Dr.Charles Best secondary school. I am interested in becoming a part time childcare for children under the age of 15. I have spent many years coaching 5-6 year old cheerleaders, and they brought me to realize my passion and gift with children. I've learned many children's games threw coaching and by babysitting my family. I am fully qualified in first aid and am able to cook and clean when needed. I am gre...

I go to Terry Fox Secondary high school, average grades. I enjoy reading, cooking and kids of course! My friends would say im an honest, trustworthy friend who gives them a great laugh! Im 15, but im great with kids and love being with them! I would say im good at entertaining children, I love taking them outside when its warm out and playing with them at the park! I still have school, so times I am available to work would be after school hours at 3:00 Pm to whenever, and weekends at ...

Hi my name is tari and I am 12 years old I am mature helpful and sweet I love being around kids, helping kids out, and playing with kids I have experience with children since I babysat my younger cousin who is 7 months and I would like to babysit a kid around the ages of 3 month to 3 year old and I would really love to get a babysitting job since I love being around kids, I can do housework such as cooking cleaning etc. I am also vey good with pets and can handle pets if have any in the ho...

Hi! I am 13 years old and I am absolutely in love with kids!!! I have experienced with my younger cousin and he is only 8 months and I took care of him a lot and did a lot of stuff with him so I have experience from that. I would love to have a babysitting job because as I said I am in love with kids!! :) I can play lots of games with the kids, take them out to the park, play at home as we'll and lots more!

Hi my name is Jazmine I’m 15 years old and love to hangout with children. I enjoy playing hockey and field hockey as well as being creative and using my imagination to entertain children. I love to be outside, go for walks and hanging out with any pets you may have. I have monitored children at lunch at school and have babysat for a few people. I’m looking forward to hearing back from you and I appreciate you taking your time to read about me. Thank you!

I am a grade 8 girl, competitive bowler, softball player. I get good grades. I have helped out at special o bowling, dinner night at the Wilson Centre (helping serve dinner and making dinner for youth and seniors), and the concession stand for softball.