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Tous les jours, des milliers de nouvelles annonces.

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Profils complets, vérifications, avis : recrutez sereinement.

Hi, My name is Kimberley, i have recently moved to Whitehorse form Nelson BC after spending the last 2 years there. I have had various child minding opportunities, whether one on one, or hired for functions with multiple children to t...

I live in Yukon, Canada and have my Swiss citizenship. I am studying engineering in Dalhousie University in Halifax. I would like to work as a nanny for 4 months this summer in the Swiss-German or French speaking part of Switzerland. I l...

I started babysitting my 2 month old niece when I was 13 years of age, and then my siblings started having a lot of children and so I helped out as much as I can for each of them. I was not only an aunt, I played role as their second mot...

Hello! My Name is Rachel. I love kids. I have helped with various child programs since I was 13 as well as worked at daycare in the last year. I love the outdoors and baking, crafts and reading. I would love to find a full time position...

My name is Daria I'm 18 years old and love working with children. I have helped in primary classrooms and with family members. I'm looking to be a nanny for a family in need. I'm responsible, respectful, trustworthy and a good worker. I ...

Yukon, principales villes :

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Nounou Yukon

Gardienne d’enfant Yukon

Babysitter Yukon

Parents Yukon

Garde partagée Yukon