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Tous les jours, des milliers de nouvelles annonces.

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Jennifer, partage de nounou à Chelsea J9B

le 23/08/21 : We are looking for someone to look after our 19month old son. Both my husband and I work full time and so we need a full time nanny. As our guy is very sociable we would like to nanny share so that he interacts with other children. As we are both British we are looking for a nanny that speaks french, and are happy for our son to be fully immersed in French.

Sylvie, partage de nounou à Ottawa (rockcliffe park / new edinburgh)

le 18/01/21 : Hi. My name is Sylvie, we are a  french family. We are looking for someone to pick up our 3 years old son at school at 4:30 until I go back (should be at 5:30pm), each monday and tuesday. The school is just across our home. From January 25th (or later if kids can't return to school) Let me know if you are interested.

Derniella, garde d’enfant partagée à Gloucester (beacon hill / cyrville) K1J

le 04/08/20 : Hi, I am looking for a Shared nanny to take care of my 3 years old son. We no longer feel confortable to send our kid to his daycare center but we woul still like for him to have the opportunity to develop his social skills through interactions with other kids. Hence ther eason why we would like to share a nanny with another family. Please contact me via email if you area family who is looking to share a anny or if you are annany who would like to provide the service to two fami...

Joel, cherche une garde partagée à Gatineau northeast

le 14/09/16 : Jai besoin en après midi et de soir oit de 13h45 a 23h00 et parfois plus tard étant donné mon emploi. Semaine 1=lumdi, mardi, jeudi semaine 2 mercredi et vendredi p.s. il se pet que j'aille besoin du lundi au vendeedi en tout temps pour un certain temps