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Stacey, propose un baby-sitting à Mississauga (mississauga valleys / east cooksville) L5A

Annonce créée il y a 8 mois

Passée depuis 8 mois
Mississauga (Mississauga Valleys / East Cooksville)
Connecté il y a 8 mois
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Seeking part time / occasional babysitting for our 11 month old baby, specifically in the evenings and/or on weekends.
We are expats from South Africa and do not have additional help here in Canada (granny, aunty, etc.) so we are looking for someone to help us on occasions when we would like to go on a date night or go out with friends in the evenings to to events on the weekends that are not child friendly.

We also have 2 great danes that are extremely lovable. We do not require you to take care of them as we will ensure they are taken out to the toilet before we leave the home, however i wanted to mention it here in case you are not comfortable with dogs :)


Type de garde :
babysitting ponctuel
1 enfants à garder
6 mois à 1 an
Mode de garde recherché :
Date :
passée depuis 8 mois (16 novembre 2023)
Besoin pendant les vacances scolaires
Besoin d’une voiture
Besoin du permis
Pas de photo
Cherche babysitting ponctuel (passée depuis 8 mois)
Mississauga (Mississauga Valleys / East Cooksville)
Connecté il y a 8 mois
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