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Krista, cherche une garde partagée à West toronto (high park / the junction south) M6P

Annonce créée il y a plus de 8 ans

Passée depuis environ 7 ans
Cherche garde partagée temps plein
West Toronto (High Park / The Junction South)
Connecté il y a plus de 8 ans


I will be going back to work in October 2017 and likely hiring a nanny (we already have someone wonderful in mind). Our 1 year old will be at home all day and our 9 year old daughter will be walked to a from school. We are hoping to find another family looking for care that would bring their child to our house for either full time or part time care. We are close to a Early Years drop in centre, parks, wading pools, and have a big yard, as well as lots of room to play inside. Hoping to share the cost of a nanny with someone else, as well as give our little one a playmate during the day. We have a nanny in mind (the person we used with our first) and she is wonderful… still waiting to confirm (as this is still a time away) but willing to look for another nanny if need be. Possibility that summer time could be at your house, as I am a teacher and home during the summers, though we would still pay to maintain the care during summer months. This is not for over a year, but if you are planning in advance, let us know!


Type de garde :
garde temps plein
2 enfants à garder
1 à 3 ans
plus de 6 ans
Date :
passée depuis environ 7 ans ( 1 octobre 2017)
Besoin pendant les vacances scolaires
A déjà une nounou
Besoin d’une voiture
Besoin du permis
Pas de photo
Passée depuis environ 7 ans
Cherche garde partagée temps plein
West Toronto (High Park / The Junction South)
Connecté il y a plus de 8 ans

Besoins horaires

Avant l’école
Le matin
Le midi
L’après midi
Après l’école
En soirée
La nuit