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Toula, cherche une nounou temps partiel à Burnaby (parkcrest-aubrey / ardingley-sprott) V5B

Annonce créée il y a 8 mois

Passée depuis 8 mois
Burnaby (Parkcrest-Aubrey / Ardingley-Sprott)
Connecté il y a 7 mois
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We need someone that can help us in the mornings. Helping get our 2 year old get up, fed and dressed, then dropping off at daycare for 8 am. Mama has to work early and needs to be out the door by 6:30 to 7am. Daddy works from home and needs to start at 7:30am. Ideally you would have to arrive by 7am.

Having your own car would be ideal. We would a provide a car seat. Would also pay a gas allowance for drop offs. Daycare is close to our place. Usually 7-10min depending on traffic.

We realize it’s not a lot of time. Could be ideal for someone that has another part-time job that starts later in the day. However, if you would like more hours, you could come back to the house and help with some light housework to get in at least 3-4 hours in. Helping tidy play area, vacuum, tidy kitchen, maybe some laundry. No bathrooms!

We are located near Brentwood


Type de garde :
garde régulière à temps partiel
1 enfants à garder
1 à 3 ans
Mode de garde recherché :
nounou à domicile
Besoin d’une voiture
Besoin du permis
Début :
le lundi 20/11/2023 à 00h00
Pas de photo
Cherche nounou/babysitter temps partiel (passée depuis 8 mois)
Burnaby (Parkcrest-Aubrey / Ardingley-Sprott)
Connecté il y a 7 mois
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