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Farah, baby sitter à Ajax southwest L1S

Avec recommandation
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Non fumeur
Aide aux devoirs
Instrument de musique

My name is Farah and I am 18 year old student who attends university, studying Criminology and Justice. I am independent and have my own car and my drivers license, taking myself to school and back. I have been babysitting throughout my life and have gained the experience by taking care of my 7 nephews, who age from 10 months, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, and 13.

I am most comfortable babysitting children who are aged 2+ who are potty trained. I love children and always provide fun games to entertain them to always keep them busy by purchasing bubbles, chalk, snacks, colouring books and toys. I do enjoy taking them for walks, to parks and playing outside with them and getting active. I honestly love cooking foods such as pasta and preparing cute snacks on a plate filled with fruits and veggies. I love to bake cookies or cupcakes and enjoy getting the help from kids whilst baking such as mixing the batter, cracking the egg, sprinkling the sprinkles or even just admiring the process.

I’d love to work mornings and evenings, specifically from around 9 am to 6 pm I would be available, however, because I am a student, I would need families to message me privately to know my availability.

Services proposés
Garde régulière ou périscolaire
Expérience familiale : garde de frères et soeurs, cousins.
A déjà gardé des enfants de
1 à 3 ans
3 à 6 ans
plus de 6 ans
Langues parlées
Anglais (courant)
Services supplémentaires
Aide aux devoirs
Cuisine pour les enfants
Aide au ménage / repassage

Utilise la Gestion Pro
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Téléphone vérifié
Aucune recommandation vérifiée

Babysitting ponctuel
15,00 €
de l’heure
Garde partielle / périscolaire
14,70 €
de l’heure
Explication :

I include and purchase activities with my own money to keep the children busy and entertained, such as bubbles, chalk, colouring books etc! Foods and snacks are also bought such as fruits and veggies.

Farah peut vous fournir sur demande les coordonnées d’anciens employeurs qui la recommandent.

Pas de recommandations pour l’instant, bientôt la vôtre ?

Écrire une recommandation
Ajax Southwest
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Non mises à jour depuis 3 mois
Avant l’école
Le matin
Le midi
L’après midi
Après l’école
En soirée
La nuit
Disponible pendant les vacances scolaires


Utilise la Gestion Pro
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Téléphone vérifié
Aucune recommandation vérifiée


Babysitting ponctuel
15,00 €
de l’heure
Garde partielle / périscolaire
14,70 €
de l’heure
Explication :

I include and purchase activities with my own money to keep the children busy and entertained, such as bubbles, chalk, colouring books etc! Foods and snacks are also bought such as fruits and veggies.