Je cherche
Gardes proposées :
Babysitting, Garde régulière ou périscolaire, Nounou à domicile (infos)

Brian, nourrice à North york (northwood park / york university)

Les avantages de Brian


Hi, my name is Brian and I'm a 20 year old male. I've been around children for almost all of my life.
My mother has been working in a daycare for 20+ years where I would frequently visit and spend time with the children/assist her in whatever she needed. I have 5 siblings, 3 of them with children.
I'm an Uncle to 5 ranging from ages 3~15.
So I've had a lot of experience taking care of infants.
When I'm with my youngest nephew who is 3 years old, I mainly spend my time watching shows with him or helping him solve basic math & English problems. I take him to the park very often (when he asks) and I always ensure that he is safe and out of harms way.
With my nephew and nieces in the age range of 6~12 I assist them with their homework and play video games and/or watch shows with them.
I'd say I'm a very easy person to talk to and get along with. I love playing video games, reading & writing, and just talking to others.
Some of the games & activities I have experience with would be;
Hide & Seek, Tag, board games (Monopoly, Checkers, Sorry, etc.) I very much enjoy going outdoors/taking walks. I play the bass and a bit of guitar and drums. I'm decent at making Breakfast, however lunch and dinner could be a problem.

Mini Curriculum Vitae

Services proposés Babysitting
Garde régulière ou périscolaire
Nounou à domicile
Expérience Experience familiale : garde de frères et soeurs, cousins.
A déjà gardé des enfants de moins de 6 mois
6 mois à 1 an
1 à 3 ans
3 à 6 ans
plus de 6 ans
Langues parlées Anglais (langue maternelle)
Services supplémentaires Aide aux devoirs : Oui, niveau primaire et secondaire
Cuisine pour les enfants : Oui, je peux
Aide au ménage / repassage : Avec plaisir, je suis une fée du logis !


Pas de recommandations pour l'instant, bientôt la vôtre ?

Album photo

Thumb ce0add2c67


28 ans
Brian, nourrice North york (northwood park / york university)


Email Vérifié

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Je m'inscris !


Non mises à jour depuis 3 mois
Disponible pendant les vacances scolaires
avant l'école
le matin
le midi
l'après midi
après l'école
en soirée
la nuit


de l'heure
Babysitting ponctuel
de l'heure
Garde régulière ou périscolaire
de l'heure
Nounou à domicile
Explication :

Rates can be negotiated with the parent(s)