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Looking for a nanny for occasional babysitting; if my husband and i would want to have a date night for example.

We would need someone who is comfortable watching 2 kids at a time. My son is 2 and my daughter is 4 1/2 and has Down Syndrome. Ideally we would like someone who is familiar with this disability but it's not necessary. She is relatively high functioning so watching her shouldn't be a problem. Both my children love to play and have fun. My daughter loves music and dancing :)
We really just need occasional babysitting for if we have a party, wedding or if we just need a night off for a date :)


Type de garde : babysitting ponctuel

2 enfants à garder (1 à 3 ans / 3 à 6 ans)

Type de nounou recherchée : babysitter

Besoin d'une voiture
Besoin du permis
Début : le samedi 04/11/2017 à 18h00
Fin : le samedi 04/11/2017 à 22h00