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My wife and i are at home; we just need an extra hand to help with baby.

My wife is on maternity leave and I am at home. We have a 3 year old and a 4 month old. We need an extra pair of hands to help out during the day, looking after either our baby boy or our toddler daughter. Babysitter would be helping us while we are both at home. May need to take baby out for a stroll, or take our daughter to the local activities centre. etc.


Type de garde : babysitting ponctuel

1 enfants à garder (moins de 6 mois)

Type de nounou recherchée : babysitter

Besoin d'une voiture
Besoin du permis
Début : le mardi 16/06/2015 à 09h00
Fin : le vendredi 19/06/2015 à 00h00