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Stephanie, gardienne - V9Y Port alberni

Avec recommandation
Permis de conduire
Premiers secours
Formation officielle
Non fumeur
Aide aux devoirs

As a Child and Youth Care Practitioner, I know the trials and tribulations families go through to find quality care.
My name is Stephanie , and I too am a parent. I remember going through the process of finding care, and can relate to the experiences many of you may already have had.
I have worked with families for the last 12 years- either in the community or private homes. I hold a B.A. from the University of Victoria, and have taken many courses affiliated working in the realm of families and in the mental health and addiction field. In addition, have not only attended parenting workshops, but have facilitated.
My approach to care is based on respecting the needs of the family and obtain upmost respect, confidentiality and safety for all clients. Having the child's best interest is at the heart of my practice.
My availability is before school, morning, mid-day and early afternoons.

Services proposés
Garde régulière ou périscolaire
Nounou à domicile
Formation aux Premiers Secours
Diplôme ou formation en services de garde, agrément officiel ou équivalent
Expérience professionnelle, plus de 10 ans.
A déjà gardé des enfants de
moins de 6 mois
6 mois à 1 an
1 à 3 ans
3 à 6 ans
plus de 6 ans
Services supplémentaires
Aide aux devoirs
Cuisine pour les enfants
Aide au ménage / repassage

Utilise la Gestion Pro
Identité vérifiée
Email vérifié
Téléphone vérifié
Aucune recommandation vérifiée

Babysitting ponctuel
de l’heure
Garde partielle / périscolaire
de l’heure
Explication :

Working with families, rates have varied - depending on the family's needs. Talking with potential clients is the way I work in figuring out what works for all parties involved. For example, specifying hourly rates does not work, as some jobs would be higher rates than others. I am open to full - day rates, part time rates and hourly rates.
As a Family Enhancement Worker, I work with a multifaceted range of families.

Stephanie peut vous fournir sur demande les coordonnées d’anciens employeurs qui la recommandent.

Pas de recommandations pour l’instant, bientôt la vôtre ?

Écrire une recommandation
Pas de photo
Garde d'enfant, babysitter
Port Alberni
Connecté il y a environ 2 ans - Dispo maintenant

Non mises à jour depuis 3 mois
Avant l’école
Le matin
Le midi
L’après midi
Après l’école
En soirée
La nuit
Disponible pendant les vacances scolaires


Utilise la Gestion Pro
Identité vérifiée
Email vérifié
Téléphone vérifié
Aucune recommandation vérifiée


Babysitting ponctuel
de l’heure
Garde partielle / périscolaire
de l’heure
Explication :

Working with families, rates have varied - depending on the family's needs. Talking with potential clients is the way I work in figuring out what works for all parties involved. For example, specifying hourly rates does not work, as some jobs would be higher rates than others. I am open to full - day rates, part time rates and hourly rates.
As a Family Enhancement Worker, I work with a multifaceted range of families.