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Gardes proposées :
Babysitting, Garde régulière ou périscolaire (infos)

Meaghan, baby-sitting - L7C Caledon

Les avantages de Meaghan


About me,
My hobbies include reading, writing learning, and arts such as painting drawing and sculpting. I am very good with kids as I seem to entertain them with silly jokes and fun activities. I have experience in watching over my younger sibling as well as I took a cores in class that allowed me to learn how to properly supersize a child, we also got to put our skills to test and work with kids under the age of 6 in a daycare twice a week. Unfortunately I have no money to enrol myself in the red cross babysitting coarse, but I have been doing research and learning for over a year know. Ii learned very much about the way kids think and how to get them to listen to you. I enjoy working with small babies and children.

Potty trained or not it is okay with me, I do not mind changing diapers. If you prefer me to come to your home I will bike there and I do not need any transportation. I am currently Living with my parents and if you choose to bring your child or pet to my home you should know that your child or pet will be in the heated and air conditioned child safe basement. We have a dog and a cat but they are not allowed in the basement so if you want there will be no interaction with my animals and your child or pet. We are a non smoking family as well.

Thank you for your consideration And I hope to hear from you soon.

Mini Curriculum Vitae

Services proposés Babysitting
Garde régulière ou périscolaire
Expérience Experience familiale : garde de frères et soeurs, cousins.
A déjà gardé des enfants de moins de 6 mois
6 mois à 1 an
1 à 3 ans
3 à 6 ans
plus de 6 ans
Langues parlées Italien (débutant)
Français (débutant)
Anglais (langue maternelle)
Services supplémentaires Aide aux devoirs : Oui, niveau primaire et secondaire
Cuisine pour les enfants : Avec plaisir, les bons petits plats ça me connait !
Aide au ménage / repassage : Avec plaisir, je suis une fée du logis !


Pas de recommandations pour l'instant, bientôt la vôtre ?


23 ans
Meaghan, baby-sitting - L7C Caledon


Email Vérifié

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Non mises à jour depuis 3 mois
Disponible pendant les vacances scolaires
avant l'école
le matin
le midi
l'après midi
après l'école
en soirée
la nuit


Meaghan n'a pas indiqué de tarif.

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