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Sterling, is looking for a child-carer in Salmon arm V1E

Listing created almost 2 years ago

Passed since almost 2 years
Salmon Arm
Connected almost 2 years ago
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Two working parents, off for most of the summer for parenting leave but back full time after labour day. Some cooking and light housekeeping as well, although we do have cleaners come in once a week.

We have a second home in the lower mainland, so it is possible that we will move back and forth regularly - probably three weeks in salmon arm and one week in mission each month. Ideally the nanny would be available to travel with us. There is room to live in at the house in Mission. There is room to live in the house in Salmon Arm but it is not required.

My wife is a vegan; I am not, so cooking can be a bit challenging.


Type of care sought:
full-time care
1 number of children
less than 6 months
Type of nanny sought:
nanny working from your home
passed since almost 2 years ( 1 August 2022)
Help needed during the school holidays
Needs a car
Needs a driving license
No photo
Is looking for nanny full time (passed since almost 2 years)
Salmon Arm
Connected almost 2 years ago
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