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Eva, looking for a childcarer in Verdun north for the 15 January 2024

Last connected 4 months ago

Nounou pour enfant de 15 mois / nanny for 15 months old

Je cherche de l’aide pour garder ma fille de 15 mois les après-midi entre 4h et 7h/8h, 2 ou 3 après midi par semaine.
Les tâches incluent : aller la chercher à la garderie, la faire manger, jouer, donner le bain et coucher. Si le temps le permet, il est possible que je demande occasionnellement de préparer un repas ou faire un peu de nettoyage.
Lieu: Verdun, proche du métro De L’Eglise

I am looking for help to look after my 15 month old daughter in the afternoons between 4am and 7am/8am, 2 or 3 afternoons a week.
Duties include: picking her up from daycare, feeding her, playing, bathing and putting her to bed. If time permits, I may occasionally be asked to prepare a meal or do some cleaning.
Location: Verdun, near De L'Eglise metro station


Type of care sought: occasional babysitting

1 number of children (6 months to 1 year)

Type of nanny sought: babysitter

Needs a car
Needs a driving license
Start: the Monday 15/01/2024 in 16h00
End: the Friday 19/01/2024 in 19h00