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Cherche une maman pour partager la garde d'enfants

I'm a mom of twins (YO), I start my own business and I have to do some trainings and events some evening (max 2 events a week from 5-6 to 9-10pm). Ines and Nael are very nice and they like to play with other kids. I m looking for a mom in my area or not so far to share custody, I would be happy to help also a mom if she has some free time evening or weekends
Thank you


Type of care sought: occasional babysitting

2 number of children (over 6 years)

Type of nanny sought: home childcare provider, nanny working from your home, babysitter

Needs a car
Needs a driving license
Start: the Wednesday 06/01/2016 in 00h00
End: the Monday 06/06/2016 in 00h00