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Madeleine, baby sitting in Oak bay north

With recommendation
Driver’s license
First aid
Homework help

I am a 22 year old student at Uvic and am working towards becoming a teacher. I love the company of kids, I love how they view the world and I love watching them learn something new every day. I love how they get excited about new experiences.
I have taken lots of first aide courses as I am qualified to be a lifeguard. This includes child and infant CPR and SFA.
I have a great imagination and am often told I have to heart of a child which I consider a huge compliment. I am also very responsible and have had experience watching young ones for most of my life. I have a large extended family and was looking after infants when I was 12. After high school I often cared for an 8 month old and his 2 year old brother until they were about 3 and 6. I also cared for another family with 2 boys aged 18 months and 3. I also spent a summer in high school with a 12 year old boy and his 7 year old sister.
I now have a niece who is almost 9 months and I have been very hands on with her throughout her life.
I think I bring more than just a watchful eye to the table, I bring a friendship that I hope will always be remembered by the children I spend time with.

Services offered
Partial / after school care
First aid qualification
Professional Experience, 1-2 years.
Already looked after children
less than 6 months
6 months to 1 year
1-3 years
3-6 years
over 6 years
Additional services
Homework Help
Cook for children
Help with housework / Ironing

Use Pro Management
Identity verified
Email verified
Phone number verified
No verified recommendation

Occasional babysitting
per hour
Partial / after-school care
per hour

I add more to the experience than just keeping an eye on children. I love to play with kids and have lots of energy and imagination. I interact with them in a way that I hope they will always remember. Because of this, I am fully investing my time and believe that it is worth $10-$12 dollars an hour depending on how much of my time I am investing.

Madeleine can provide references from recent employers

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Oak Bay North
Connected almost 10 years ago- Available now
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No updates for 3 months
Before school
After school
Available during school holidays


Use Pro Management
Identity verified
Email verified
Phone number verified
No verified recommendation


Occasional babysitting
per hour
Partial / after-school care
per hour

I add more to the experience than just keeping an eye on children. I love to play with kids and have lots of energy and imagination. I interact with them in a way that I hope they will always remember. Because of this, I am fully investing my time and believe that it is worth $10-$12 dollars an hour depending on how much of my time I am investing.